This gorgeous girl was such a great sport taking these photos. It was freezing cold outside in April. It was actually snowing earlier in the day. Even though her car broke down on the way to the shoot, she hung in there and we were able to get some great shots of her and the best part was….. Those HEELS! I have always wanted someone to wear heels like that so that was an extra bonus for me! I can’t wear heels and that’s a sad but true fact about me. I secretly hate people who can wear cute shoes. hahah! This was such a fun session for me as it allowed me to go out of my comfort zone, try something new and take some risk and see what happens. I think life is kind of like that too. If you don’t take risk, try new things and go to new places then we never grow change and improve. Failure is a stepping stone to success and I always learn the most when I take the risk! When her car gets back, we are going to take a few more with her car as that is what she really loves and what she wants most to remember. I can’t wait to see how they are going to turn out!!
Jen look alike right here!!!
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