I’m can’t tell you how funCandid family photos are! Did I also mention how hard they are. Its like calling an audible in a football game. I just never know what is going to happen. Tonight we dealth with sprinklers coming on, 100 degree temps and distractions of every kind yet we still end up with amazing photos. I like to let the kids call the shots once in a while so they own the image. This shot was suppose to be just sister but little man walked into the frame and game her a hug. I was dying!!!
Then he wanted to pull the flowers in and have his own mini session. It was hysterical how he was posing with the flowers!!
Connection in the key to great images and with these two it was instantaneous!
What a sweet and gorgeous big sister to help out with the littles.
I’m not going to lie, I sure wish I had one of me when my kids were this age and Im not going to lie that I wish I looked like this beautiful Momma but I’m sure glad that I can capture precious moments like these for others.
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