Family photos are everyones favorite, right? hahah
No one really looks forward to them.
The kids fall asleep in the car, Dad gets lost, kids get their new clothes all dirty and put rocks in their mouth, someone cries because they don’t want to wake up, the dog just pooped and there aren’t enough hands to go around. Dad forgot to eat and mom is exhausted from trying to get everyone ready. It’s nearly 100 degrees outside and their is no shade and everyone starts dripping sweat. A shoe falls off, baby needs to eat and diapered and dust is flying every where from the ATV that just zoomed by. Everyone starts yelling at once so the kids will say ” cheese” which makes them even madder and then things escalate and no one is smiling but someone is still putting rocks and dirt in their mouth.
AHHHHH, the joys of family life. Well, maybe this is a stretching it slightly but I could not stop laughing all the way home at the chaos and then thinking how we got such great shots in the midst of it all. Only a few of the above actually happened but all of those things have happened in other family photo shoots and more!! It is one of the grandest adventures that I can find.
So amidst it all, its fun to see those moments of fun, laughter and spontaneous joy. We don’t see these moments because we are too busy taking care of life, living life and just breathing. I’m sure looking back the parents missed all these moments but having them frozen in time makes them all the more precious to see. When the kids look back on this evening when they are older they will see joy, love and family fun that will take them into the future with security and love. What a great gift to give to the children. These kids aren’t only adorable but very lucky indeed.

Little Boys
Check out these legs!!!!
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